Positive Mindset Bootcamp

Know before you go. We want to take you on a challenge where we will challenge you to not complain. Complaining is a useless mindset that keeps you stagnant on the problem at hand, and not redirecting that mindset into a more productive, optimistic mindset. We want you to remember that you have the choice every morning to be the emotional leader you want to be. 

You can choose to be optimistic and positive, or negative and cranky. We cannot rely on anyone else to make you happy, we also do not need anyone else’s validation to be happy. Because at the end of the day, the sun will still set, and the moon will still rise, regardless of how you feel, so you choose. But first we must understand a few things that may shed some light on why you lead with certain emotions.  

We have learned that life is not about what you carry on your journey, but what you pick up. As you embark on this journey, we hope that you get rid of some things and pick up some new things. Let’s call them MPMs (Making Positive Memories)

Full transparency – there are going to be some things that you’re going to have to leave at home before you start our Positive Mindset Boot Camp. It’s also not going to be easy, some hard questions will be asked, but these questions need to be asked as they will lead to a positive outcome, so instead of focusing on the hard questions, we need to focus on where we are going. When you answer the hard question, you can then start the healing process as now you know what happened, not dwell on it, and focus on what you can do next. 

Remember, it’s your choice. See what you just did? That’s a great example of what we want you to do. Find the positive and not focus or dwell on the hard.

We are going to ask you to throw out your old street shoes in the garbage. That means you’re going to have to go out and buy a new pair of shoes. These shoes are going to be a symbol of your new life.

Think of these shoes as tools being used as you take steps into your new future. You’re going to keep them clean so every time you look down, you’re impressed with what you see. Also every step forward is a step in a positive direction. Plus you look good when you’re doing it. 

This will not be easy, but the easiest thing for you to do is throw out your old shoes (we do not expect you to go out and throw out a pair of shoes. But you thought about it, and that’s what counts).

In the coming days you are going to have to get rid of a bunch of other things as well. 

Good luck!

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