
OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 11 Judging Others

Judging Others

Judgment of others is poorly used energy.  Are you a judge? Is this an Olympic sport? Are you a figure skating judge giving a score on his triple sow cow? Nope. If you are judging others, you are projecting your own insecurities and trying to make others feel bad about something you wish you had.  […]

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 10 Self Judgment

Self Judgement

We spoke about your alter ego. Let’s call him Dave or Sheila.  When you look at yourself in the mirror, or at yourself when in your birthday suit, what are your thoughts? Do you speak highly of yourself? Or point out what’s wrong? When you are about to start something new, do you talk yourself

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 9 Blame


Kids point fingers and blame others. Adults can accept responsibility – they own it, learn from it and move forward.  Blaming others is a good way to put yourself in an emotional hole. Growing from the discomfort of owning your mistakes will help you become emotionally resilient and emotionally strong.  Rather than looking for the easy

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 8 Self Doubt

Self Doubt

Self doubt stems from a fear of failure can come from lack of confidence, and a feeling that you cannot accomplish something so you won’t even try. Your attitude affects your altitude. Your beliefs inform the thoughts you think and the actions you take.  Looking back is good for us to reflect on what we

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 7 Anger


Feeling anger is fine. What makes it toxic is when you don’t break it down and understand why you are angry.  Losing your cool is like driving a car without your hands on the wheel while driving in fog. What do you think is going to happen? To regain control, you need to put your hands back

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 6 Resistance


Resistance is a tool used by those who think that results happen by accident.  While you are on your third donut, looking at your gym bag, do you think they will magically be put on your feet and by some wizardry you will be transported to the gym covered in sweat and exhausted from working

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 5 Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Fear is the result of an attempt.  What if some of the greatest teams didn’t show up for the championship because there was a chance they may fail? What if some of the athletes never took a shot or a pass because they were at a risk they might not complete it?  There is always

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 4 Unhealthy Fear

Unhealthy Fear

Fear is healthy, and it protects us from being hurt. Anyone who says they don’t feel any fear is just being silly. Put that person in a tank with a shark and see them breath their way out of that one. Concrete can only be broken by those who wish to break it. Someone thought about

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 3 Comparison


Comparing yourself to someone else or thinking you aren’t good enough or have enough stuff puts you down. This keeps you idle and not able to move forward and you lose focus on what you need to do to be the best version of yourself. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy.  We live in

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OCR Academy 28 Day No Complaining Challenge - 2 Perfectionism


F#$% perfect. Perfect people don’t exist. Perfect scores do.  If someone tells you they are perfect, or show that they are, how can you relate to somebody like that?  We all have our own insecurities. Maybe you’re a gym owner and you feel like you have to have a certain look, big arms, giant shoulders, amazing quads,

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